In addition to exhibiting, UK Rigging are looking forward to once again being part of the Riggers Forum and presentation at PLASA Focus in Leeds on Tuesday 9th May 2017.
The Riggers’ Forum is aimed at working riggers who rarely have an opportunity to discuss their opinions outside the workplace. These Forums have been run very successfully in Leeds, Glasgow and London for several years and in keeping with the tried and tested programme, a short topical presentation will be followed by an open forum for riggers to discuss the issues of the day. It’s free to attend and a great opportunity for the rigging community to meet and network.
The opening presentation this year is called ‘Knot a Rigger’. Rigging doesn’t happen by magic on the day, it needs planning and co-ordination by someone competent. Legislation demands that when the time comes lifting operations are also carried out and supervised by competent people. This year Harry Box and Chris Higgs turn their attention to the need to ensure someone is made responsible for the rigging in a production. Knot a rigger necessarily, the work can be delegated but someone must be responsible to the production for planning and carrying out rigging and lifting operations.